Find the “unfindable”

General tracing of missing relatives and friends

Adoption tracing

Family trees and histories

Assistance with applying for EU citizenship or other nationalities

  • We generally work for a fixed fee but can work at a day or hourly rate if preferred.

    Fixed rate T’s & C’s - If information develops that changes the scope of the project, I’ll work with you to agree a fair change to my fee.

  • Many of my peers in the industry rely on digitised records alone.

    I do not.

    I get creative with my research, exhausting leads and opportunities others miss.

    I also have a global network of peers, ready to rummage, search, and dive through local records inaccessible to others.


Genealogy Case Studies

  • Bigamy and geraniums in suburbia

    While carrying out a client’s family history we discovered that her great great grandfather was living with two wives at the same time and that he had been to prison for the theft of some geraniums!

  • Irish citizenship achieved

    My client was convinced that his grandmother was Irish and he hoped, through her, to obtain Irish citizenship and thereby an Irish passport. It turned out that it was in fact his grandfather who was born in Cork Barracks, the son of a colour sergeant in the British army. Granny turned out to be completely Welsh! The full connection with all the necessary certificates was submitted by us and citizenship approved.

  • Lost adopted siblings

    Our client knew that he had two older half siblings as a result of a war time liaison between his mother and a Canadian soldier during WW2. His mother had lost contact with her two older sons who were adopted in Canada shortly after the war.. We traced them through a combination of good old fashioned genealogical research, DNA testing and social media. A number of very happy reunions have taken place since.